Can Gummies Cure Diabetes?

John Whyte, MD
3 min readMar 6, 2022

Lately, there’s been news trending on CBD gummies for reversing diabetes. I’m sorry to disappoint you but chewing gummies –whether or not they have CBD — is not going to cure diabetes. Yet, reversing diabetes, and especially prediabetes may be possible with the right lifestyle changes.

This is big news because we used to think that by the time you were diagnosed with diabetes, the beta cells in the pancreas (which are responsible for insulin production) had already burned out and lost function. But we now have evidence that these critical cells may indeed be able to regenerate and restore their function — and that may allow you to reverse the effect of diabetes.

Some people consider this a “cure” but I don’t think that’s the right way to think about it. The reason why is that high blood sugars and elevated insulin levels already started to cause damage, and if you have risk for diabetes you continue to be at risk. Type 2 diabetes also has a genetic risk component that you cannot change. I like to make the comparison to cancer — you can send diabetes and prediabetes in “remission.” Particularly with pre-diabetes, you have a chance — a limited one — to turn things around with the right amount of behavior change.

Real science — not fake news — shows it can be done with the right focus on food, activity and stress reduction. Consider the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). In this ground-breaking study, researchers evaluated how intensive lifestyle changes might compare to medication in preventing the progression of…



John Whyte, MD

Physician, Author, Chief Medical Officer @ WebMD. I am passionate about changing how we think about #Health. Views my own.